Bantam Cochin originated from Peking (Beijing), China. These birds were imported to Europe (where they are known as Pekin Bantams) and the US in 1845. The Bantam Cochin has been proven to be a true bantam, meaning it has no large fowl counterpart; this is a confusing misnomer, as the Bantam Cochin has no relation to the Large Fowl Cochin.
The Bantam Cochin was recognized by the American Poultry Association (APA) in 1874 and is also recognized by the American Bantam Association (APA). A variety of colors are approved within the Standard of Perfection (SOP).
Our bantam cochin breeding stock comes from multiple show and breeding quality bloodlines, including Jamie Matts lines.
Lavender (Self-Blue)/Black Split to Lavender
Our Lavender pen consists of lavender cocks over lavender, black split to lavender, and pure black hens and pullets. We have smooth and frizzled feathering in this pen.
Hatching Eggs: $150 per dozen
Chicks (under 1 month old): $50+ each
Juvenile Birds: $50 - $150 each
Adult Birds: $150 - $250 each
Note: Price of birds varies based on age, quality, feather type, and sex. Prices do not include sales tax and are subject to change without notice. We cannot guarantee hatch rates, color, gender, feather type, personality, health, or quality of birds.